Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Welcome, O' sailor of the Internet seas. Like any Internet truth seeker, you've stumbled upon us seeking knowledge. Knowledge that you will wield like a blade as you ride into the never ending combat of life. Lucky for you, you've stumbled across the greatest source of knowledge. You've found the greatest sharpening stone to run across the smooth steel of your brain and create an edge so sharp it can pierce not only a man...but smash a foes will to continue on with his plight. You have just stumbled upon our guide to all things BRUTAL.

This is the ramblings of three wise scribes who know the real truth. What about? EVERYTHING!

So take off your hat, warm your feet by the fire and peruse the material locked away in the depths of our knowledge. Don't get too comfortable though, for in this place you may come across some things that are impossible to mentally ingest, things that will both give you a boner one moment and then take your sight away in the next. Things that will change you forever. Things so awesome, that you will feel compelled to inflict their brutality upon the lives of the lame on a daily basis.

Things that are Metal, Hardcore and overall BORN FROM BRUTALITY.

Keep shredding,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm blind AND I have a boner. You guys have truly changed my life.